
3D screenshots and video capture tool for Looking Glass Portrait.

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Game Settings

This page includes the settings necessary to get ReGlass working with various games.

Is your game not listed? Check the Game Settings Discussion or the Find Settings page to learn how to find them.


Game API Copy Before Clear Upside Down Reversed Logarithmic Far Importance Multiplier
Cyberpunk 2077 D3D12 Off 0 1 0 0.2 - 1000 0.1 - 200
Skylines: Far Importance 800+, Multiplier 1 - 2. Close-ups: Far Importance 0.2 - 0.5, Multiplier 50 - 200.
DOTA 2 D3D10/11/12 On 0 0 0 100 - 1000 1.0
Multiplier must be exactly 1.0 Far importance of 200 generally works well.
Half-Life 2 D3D9 On 0 0 0 1.0 - 350 1.0
Multiplier must be exactly 1.0 or the depth will always be white. Because of this, HL2 has somewhat limited dynamic range. You'll need to compensate for this in HoloPlay or Refract with depthiness.
Halo Master Chief Collection D3D11 Off 0 1 0 0.2 - 400 0.5 - 100
Start the game with mods enabled and play in offline mode.
Portal 2 D3D9 On 0 0 0 2.0 - 4.5 1.0
Be sure to enable Multiplier must be exactly 1.0 or the depth will always be white. Far Importance is also limited in range. You'll need to compensate for this in HoloPlay or Refract with depthiness.


API is selected during ReShade installation for the game. ReShade won’t always ask for this so if you don’t see it during installation you can ignore this column.

Copy Before Clear

Copy Before Clear is now set on the Addons tab in ReShade rather than the engine tab (which no longer exists).

Upside Down, Reversed, Logarithmic

To change Upside Down, Reversed or Logarithmic, click Edit global preprocessor definitions,

then use the popup to set these values.